About django-directed#

This page is not a necessary read for working with the graphs in django-directed, but gives context about the goals and direction of the project, resources for further reading, etc.


This project is the successor of another django package of mine, django-postgresql-dag, which itself was forked and heavily modified from django-dag and django-dag-postgresql.

When I started building django-postgresql-dag, I was rather new to a lot of concepts in both graph theory and database queries. As a result, I felt that I backed myself into corners in some ways with that earlier package. I developed django-postgresql-dag to serve as the underlying structure of an application that modeled real-world infrastructure as a directed acyclic graph, but I soon found that there were other graph-related things I wanted to be able to do that were not DAG-specific. Additionally, using CTE’s in django has been somewhat democratized with the django-cte package and other changes over the years, and it might be feasible to port at least a portion of the graph functionality to database backends other than Postgres (though this is not a focus of the initial iteration of the project).

Some design decisions#

  • A reasonable amount of flexibility - The predecessor for this package was limited (in name and in some implementation aspects) solely to working with Directed Acyclic Graphs in Postgresql. I often find, though, that I need other types of directed graphs. This package should still do one thing well - working with directed graphs - but I’ve opened the scope a bit.

  • DRY - There are a lot of commonalities between all types of directed graphs, so we should be able to model graphs of different types with a common API, extending when necessary to perform specialized tasks that do not apply to all graphs.

  • Prioritize querying over writing - For my typical purposes, quickly adding large graphs to the database is an uncommon task. Instead, in most graph applications I am either slowly adding a node here and there (comments, categories, etc), or I am adding large graphs in an asynchronous manner (uploading and building the graph of an entire physical infrastructure model from a CSV file). In either case, the speed at which the graph is written is of much less consequence than the ability to query the resulting graph quickly.

  • Include tools for modifying and reconfiguring graphs - move or copy subgraphs, insert and delete nodes, and pre-processing (calculating graph hashes or copying a subgraph with a function applied), etc.

  • Optimize for sparse graphs - Most of the graph structures I find myself building and working with are sparse. There are generally few connections from each node to another. Said another way, the typical degree of the nodes is small (often no more than 5 or so). This seems pretty common for many real-world models such as physical infrastructure, as well as many common web & software related graph uses such as threaded comments, automation processes, and version control systems. If you are trying to model large, highly-connected graphs, this might not be the right package for you.

Scope & Goals#

Directed graphs in general can solve or model an incredible number of real-world or web-related problems and concepts. This package should be complete enough to perform a majority of tasks needed for working with an assortment of directed graphs in django applications, but it should also be flexible and extensible enough to allow for customization and novel approaches to problems in practical graph application.

Types of Directed Graphs#

The scope of this package includes working with a variety of directed graphs. This includes eventually supporting functionality for each of these types of directed graphs:

Other types of graphs to consider supporting (in expected order of complexity):

  • Subclasses of Arborescence

  • Binary Search Trees (BST)

  • Multigraph - Graphs where the same pair of nodes may be connected by more than one edge.

    • This might be further constrained in a cyclic graph to limit edges between two nodes to no more than two, with one edge in each direction.

  • Hypergraph - Graphs where edges can join more than just two nodes.

For further details on building, querying, manipulating, and exporting graphs, please Read the Docs

Example Use-Cases of django-directed#

Graphs can be used to model an incredibly large range of ideas, physical systems, concepts, web-components, etc. Here is a very incomplete list of some of the ways you might use django-directed, along with the underlying structure that might be best to represent them.


Potential Data Structure

Threaded discussion comments


Social follows” (which users are following which)”

Directed cyclic graph

Model of resource flow in gas/electrical/water/sewer distribution systems


The underlying structure to business process automation (e.g. tools like Airflow)

Directed cyclic graph or DAG

Hierarchical bill of materials for a product

Polytree or Arborescence

Network mapping (Internet device map, map of linked pages in a website, modeling roadways, modeling airline/train paths, etc)

Directed cyclic graph

Modeling dependencies in software applications


Scheduling tasks for project management

Directed cyclic graph or DAG

Fault-tree analysis in industrial systems


Version control systems


Which academic papers are cited by later papers


Dependencies in educational plans (which pieces of knowledge or classes must preceed others as a student progresses toward a goal?)


Modeling supply chains from initial resource (mining, forestry, etc) to manufacturer to retailer to consumer market

DAG or Polytree

Family trees and other genealogical models


Hierarchical file/folder structures


Mind maps


TRIE structures


Customer journey maps


Storing information about phone calls, emails, or other interactions between people

Directed cyclic graph or DAG

Essentially, just about anything involving causal relationships, hierarchies, or dependencies can be modeled with a directed graph. This package may be useful if you need to persist that information for use with django applications.

Further reading and resources#

These resources are fantastic for learning about working with graphs in databases and related topics. They are listed in no particular order, and I do not have any affiliation with the authors, publishers, or bookstores.


  • Joe Celko’s trees and hierarchies in SQL for smarties [B&N, Amazon]

  • Effective SQL: 61 Specific Ways to Write Better SQL (Chapter 10) [B&N, Amazon]

  • Algorithms for Decision Making (not yet released for print, but available to read at the book’s website) [MIT Press]

Blog posts, slide shows, and articles#