
Manager/QuerySet Methods#

Methods used for building/manipulating#


Methods returning a QuerySet of Nodes#


Returns a QuerySet of all root Nodes (nodes with no parents) in the Node model.

:param Node node: (optional) if specified, returns only the roots for that node :return: Root Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns a QuerySet of all leaf Nodes (nodes with no children) in the Node model.

:param Node node: (optional) if specified, returns only the leaves for that node :return: Leaf Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns a QuerySet of all Nodes with no parents or children (degree 0).

:return: Island Nodes :rtype: QuerySet

Methods returning a QuerySet of Edges#


Methods returning a Boolean#


Methods returning other values#


Model Methods#

Methods used for building/manipulating an instance#


Provided with a Node instance, attaches that instance as a child to the current Node instance.

:param Node child: The Node to be added as a child :return: The newly created Edge between self and child :rtype: Edge


Provided with a QuerySet of Node instances, attaches those instances as children of the current Node instance.

:param QuerySet children: The Nodes to be added as children :return: The newly created Edges between self and children :rtype: list


Provided with a Node instance, attaches that instance as a parent to the current Node instance.

:param Node parent: The Node to be added as a parent :return: The newly created Edge between self and parent :rtype: Edge


Provided with a QuerySet of Node instances, attaches those instances as parents of the current Node instance.

:param QuerySet parents: The Nodes to be added as parents :return: The newly created Edges between self and parents :rtype: list

remove_child(child, delete_node=False)#

Removes the edge connecting this node to child if a child Node instance is provided. Optionally deletes the child node as well.

:param Node child: The Node to be removed as a child :return: True if any Nodes were removed, otherwise False :rtype: bool


Provided with a QuerySet of Node instances, removes those instances as children of the current Node instance.

:param QuerySet children: The Nodes to be removed as children :return: True if any Nodes were removed, otherwise False :rtype: bool


Removes all children of the current Node instance, optionally deleting self as well.

:param QuerySet children: The Nodes to be removed as children :return: True if any Nodes were removed, otherwise False :rtype: bool

remove_parent(parent, delete_node=False)#

Removes the edge connecting this node to parent if a parent Node instance is provided. Optionally deletes the parent node as well.

:param Node parent: The Node to be removed as a parent :return: True if any Nodes were removed, otherwise False :rtype: bool


Provided with a QuerySet of Node instances, removes those instances as parents of the current Node instance.

:param QuerySet parents: The Nodes to be removed as parents :return: True if any Nodes were removed, otherwise False :rtype: bool


Removes all parents of the current Node instance, optionally deleting self as well.

:param QuerySet parents: The Nodes to be removed as parents :return: True if any Nodes were removed, otherwise False :rtype: bool

Methods returning a QuerySet of Nodes#


Returns all Nodes in connected paths in a rootward direction.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes in connected paths in a rootward direction, prepending self.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes in connected paths in a rootward direction, appending self.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes in connected paths in a leafward direction.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes in connected paths in a leafward direction, prepending self.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes in connected paths in a leafward direction, appending self.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes that share a parent with this Node.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes that share a parent with this Node, prepending self.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes that share a parent with this Node, appending self.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes that share a child with this Node.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes that share a child with this Node, prepending self.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all Nodes that share a child with this Node, appending self.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns a QuerySet with all ancestor Nodes, self, and all descendant Nodes.

:return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all nodes connected in any way to the current Node instance.

:param Node directional: (optional) if True, path searching operates normally (in leafward direction), if False search operates in both directions :return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns the shortest path from self to target Node. Resulting Queryset is sorted leafward, regardless of the relative position of starting and ending nodes.

:param Node target_node: The target Node for searching :param Node directional: (optional) if True, path searching operates normally (in leafward direction), if False search operates in both directions :return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns all paths from self to target Node. Resulting Queryset is sorted leafward, regardless of the relative position of starting and ending nodes.

:param Node target_node: The target Node for searching :param Node directional: (optional) if True, path searching operates normally (in leafward direction), if False search operates in both directions :return: Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns a QuerySet of all root Nodes, if any, for the current Node.

:return: Root Nodes :rtype: QuerySet


Returns a QuerySet of all leaf Nodes, if any, for the current Node.

:return: Leaf Nodes :rtype: QuerySet

For future consideration:

  • immediate_family (parents, self and children)

  • piblings (aka: aunts/uncles)

  • niblings (aka: nieces/nephews)

  • cousins

Methods returning a QuerySet of Edges#


Ancestor Edge instances for the current Node.

:return: Ancestor Edges :rtype: QuerySet


Descendant Edge instances for the current Node.

:return: Descendant Edges :rtype: QuerySet


Clan Edge instances for the current Node.

:return: Clan Edges :rtype: QuerySet

Methods returning a Boolean#


Returns True if the current Node instance has no parents (Node has an in-degree 0 and out-degree >= 0).

:rtype: bool


Returns True if the current Node instance has no children (Node has an in-degree >=0 and out-degree 0).

:rtype: bool


Returns True if the current Node instance has no parents or children (Node has degree 0).

:rtype: bool

path_exists_from(target_node, directional=True)#

Checks whether there is a path from the target Node instance to the current Node instance.

:param Node target_node: The node to compare against :param Node directional: (optional) if True, path searching operates normally (in leafward direction), if False search operates in both directions :rtype: bool

path_exists_to(target_node, directional=True)#

Checks whether there is a path from the current Node instance to the target Node instance.

:param Node target_node: The node to compare against :param Node directional: (optional) if True, path searching operates normally (in leafward direction), if False search operates in both directions :rtype: bool

is_ancestor_of(target_node, directional=True)#

Checks whether the current Node instance is an ancestor of the provided target Node instance.

:param Node target_node: The node to compare against :param Node directional: (optional) if True, path searching operates normally (in leafward direction), if False search operates in both directions :rtype: bool

is_descendant_of(target_node, directional=True)#

Checks whether the current Node instance is a descendant of the provided target Node instance.

:param Node target_node: The node to compare against :param Node directional: (optional) if True, path searching operates normally (in leafward direction), if False search operates in both directions :rtype: bool

is_sibling_of(target_node, directional=True)#

Checks whether the current Node instance is a sibling of the provided target Node instance (see terminology).

:param Node target_node: The node to compare against :param Node directional: (optional) if True, path searching operates normally (in leafward direction), if False search operates in both directions :rtype: bool

is_partner_of(target_node, directional=True)#

Checks whether the current Node instance is a partner of the provided target Node instance (see terminology).

:param Node target_node: The node to compare against :param Node directional: (optional) if True, path searching operates normally (in leafward direction), if False search operates in both directions :rtype: bool

Methods returning other values#


Returns the total number of ancestor Nodes.

:rtype: int


Returns the total number of descendant Nodes.

:rtype: int


Returns the total number of clan Nodes.

:rtype: int


Returns the total number of sibling Nodes.

:rtype: int


Returns the total number of partner Nodes.

:rtype: int


Returns the count of all ancestors Nodes, self, and all descendant Nodes.

:rtype: int


Returns the depth of this Node instance from furthest root Node.

:rtype: int


Returns the shortest hops count to the target Node.

:param Node target_node: The node to compare against :rtype: int

For future consideration:

  • descendant_tree()

  • ancestor_tree()


A Node can be associated with multiple Graphs. This method returns a QuerySet of all Graph instances associated with the current Node.

:return: Graphs to which this Node belongs :rtype: QuerySet